Saturday, March 10, 2007

Okay... I'm here!

Okay, now that I have created a second blog, let's see if this one is
successful. This blog is going to be about what is, and has been
happening in the realm my new surroundings. (AKA: Texas)
Lots of People have been asking me how I'm liking it down here,
and to all of you that were thinking about it, here's your answer.
I'm Liking it!
Texas has been an experience, I'll tell you that. Listening to all the
different types of accents and twangs, learning about new types
of plants, (sundew flower, yopan, elephant's foot, etc...) entering
a new homeschooling group, and church family, allowing new
people to become my friends, everything is not just the same old,
same old, anymore. Everything is new to me, and it's good to
know that there actually is a life for me outside the little state of
West Virginia.
God has given me a new page, and I want to make sure everything
I write down on it is pleasing to him. He got me through the
year of heart-ache, and it's about time I thank him for it.
Thank you for reading, I'll have more soon! ~Kaitlyn

1 comment:

justjuls said...

Hey girlie!
I loved reading your blog -
I want you to adjust your settings to "moderate" your comments because Ms. Karen got some ugly spam on her blog. Be careful here - not as safe as HSB my lovie.
You are a good girl, and precious daughter and you are growing into an awesome young woman! I am so glad God gave you to me!
Love - Mommy!